Wednesday, September 11, 2024

One Hundred Nine Six

Hey, do you know what day is today?

It's the best day of the year. It's my birthday!

Happy birthday, dear self.

May you find a way out to your self-created problems (LOL) and may Allah s.w.t. provide ease and strength in your quest to success through your businesses. Amin, insya Allah.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

One Hundred Ninety Five

 I haven't been feeling very calm lately.

Maybe it's the time of the month. Maybe it has to do with the recent happenings.

I feel so much hatred in me I've been asking from Allah to grant me patience and redha. I think the worst kind of battle is battling with our own self and desire.

I've been managing my anger and hatred from the inside I'm not sure if they can be handled anymore. I'm really bad at coverups. I'm not good at pretending. 

Ya Allah,

Provide me strength and patience. Make this test something I can bear.
